Leon Poon

or for you Sinophiles!
or sometimes

Graduate Student
Department of Physics
Institute for Plasma Research

Self-appointed Director of this Web site
Chief organizer of group lunch
Former VP of PGSA
TA from hell
Class Monitor from 4th to 6th grade
Voted cutest and most cuddly baby by Mom!
and the list goes on...

Quips from Yours Truly

I confess, I didn't do it!

Oops! I made a Freudian Flip. (Not to be confused with your mere Freudian Slip!)

With my luck, I'll probably burn the bridge when I come across it.

Above all else, to thine own butt be true (with apologies to Shakespeare)

The Birth

Once upon a time in a land far far away, I came into being ... Yikes, my life is winking in and out of existence! Ok, back to the narrative. Where was I? Ah, yes, our hero, moi, was and still am the proud offspring of parents of Chinese extraction, specifically Cantonese and Hakka. For those of you who can't tell a "ngiu" from a "ngau", I suggest you read up on the differences between these two ancient dialects. BTW, both "ngiu" and "ngau" refer to cow in Hakka and Cantonese respectively. Oh, stop your MOOing!!

The Move

After spending most of my childhood years soaking up the sun near a beach, my family decided that a change in scenery would jolt us out of our complacency. We promptly immigrated to the Great White North eh? (Canada, that is). Brrrr!!! I can still remember the first day I set foot on the land of the Canucks. It was frigging -40 (in both Fahrenheit and Celsius!) with the windchill factor. This is COLD by any standards, but you have to imagine coming from a land that only has two seasons (rainy and dry) and where the mean annual temperature is around 85 degrees Fahrenheit (or 30 degrees C).

The Formative years

I spent my formative years growing up in Edmonton, Alberta during the heydays when both the Eskimos (football) and the Oilers (hockey) were on top of their respective heaps. In fact, Edmonton is known as the "City of Champions" because the Eskimos reigned supreme in the Canadian Football League in the early to mid-80's and the Oilers continued the championship tradition by picking up five Stanley Cups from mid to late 80's. Besides sports, the city is also famous for having the world's largest indoor shopping mall -- West Edmonton Mall!

The College years

For economic reasons (otherwise known as El Cheapo) and matters of convenience (mainly Mom's cooking - Mom, you're the greatest!), I decided to stay at home and attend the good old University of Alberta majoring in, of all things, Mathematical Physics! The University's Physics Department is a quaint little department that is famous for its research in General Relativity, especially Professor Werner Israel. While there, I was under the superb guidance of Professor Abdul N. Kamal. He is an excellent teacher, and he gives pretty informative and amusing talks on the process of doing science (especially his cold fusion talks).

The Transitional Years (to what?)

Instead of going to greener pastures after graduating from U of A, yours truly decided to be a masochist and continue onwards in physics by pursuing grad studies. With...uh...great foresight and...um...elaborate planning, I chose University of Maryland for grad studies knowing that it has an Absolutely Fabulous Chaos Group (Hey, if I don't toot our own horns, who will?) Thus endeth the smashing tale of how I got here. Hello, are you still there? Hey, WAKE UP!

The Future?

The Post-Doctorate
The Professor

The Nobel Prize Winner

The Demented Scientist

The World Dictator

The Almighty Omnipotent Supreme Being!

The Work

I have dabbled in shadowing, but a paper in that area probably won't come out until next year. Meanwhile, I have mucked around in a couple of other areas, and they will see the light before the long shadowing article. First, there is a paper called "Controlling Complexity" which just appeared in Physical Review Letters. We also just finished a paper that involved both fractal basin boundaries and chaotic scattering, and you can check it out in the paper "Wada Basin Boundaries in Chaotic Scattering."

The Play

What do I do for fun? Well, all sorts of things, but unfortunately most are unprintable ... No, silly, they are in Chinese!. OK, here's some fun staff I have done in the past -- My death-defying rafting adventure last summer or my vanity license plate collecting hobby.

Currently, I am working on my History Project! Drop by and see if I have bitten off more than I can chew.

Of course, don't forget to check out my hot links!

Comments or Questions? Well, come on down and give me a holler!

Oh yeah, you can also find out what gets my goat ...ur... I mean what's my beef!

Personnel Research
Papers Papers