Army Area Handbook
It is difficult to grab the files as presented in the gopher site
for the Army Area Handbook because the Handbook is split into so
many files. For the convenience of people who would like to download
the Handbook and read it at their leisure, I have made a copy of the
handbook and collected it into six files listed below. The files
ranged in size from 90K to 460K, so only click on the link below
to download! That is, use the option on your browser to click on
the link for download and not loading the page.
The files are:
If you only want selected chapters, the following table of
contents should help you decide which chapters to get:
- Table Of Contents - China Army Area Handbook
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Table A: Chronology Of Chinese Dynasties
- Table B: Economic Indicators, Selected Years 1952-86
- Country Profile
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 - Historical Setting
- 1.01: The Ancient Dynasties
- 1.02: The Imperial Era
- 1.03: Emergence Of Modern China
- 1.04: Republican China
- 1.05: The People's Republic Of China
- Chapter 2 - Physical Environment And Population
- 2.01: Physical Environment
- 2.02: Population
- Chapter 3 - The Social System
- 3.01: Ethnic Boundaries
- 3.02: Han Diversity And Unity
- 3.03: Traditional Society And Culture
- 3.04: Social Change
- 3.05: Differentiation
- 3.06: Common Patterns
- 3.07: Rural Society
- 3.08: Urban Society
- 3.09: Women
- 3.10: Religion
- 3.11: Trends And Tensions
- Chapter 4 - Education And Culture
- 4.01: Education Policy
- 4.02: The Education System
- 4.03: Primary Education
- 4.04: Secondary Education
- 4.05: Higher Education
- 4.06: Teachers
- 4.07: Adult Education
- 4.08: Policy Toward Intellectuals
- 4.09: Culture And The Arts
- Chapter 5 - Economic Context
- 5.01: General Nature Of The Economy
- 5.02: Economic Policies, 1949-80
- 5.03: Structure And Operation Of The Economy
- 5.04: Living Standards
- 5.05: Potential For Achieving National Goals
- Chapter 6 - Agriculture
- 6.01: Resources Endowment
- 6.02: Agricultural Policies
- 6.03: Planning And Organization
- 6.04: Operational Methods And Inputs
- 6.05: Production
- 6.06: Agricultural Trade
- Chapter 7 - Party And Government
- 7.01: Trends In Industrial Production
- 7.02: Organization
- 7.03: Geographic Distribution Of Industry
- 7.04: Level Of Technology
- 7.05: Supplies Of Industrial Resources
- 7.06: Energy
- 7.07: Manufacturing
- 7.08: Construction
- 7.09: Mining
- 7.10: Rural Industry
- 7.11: Defense Industry
- Chapter 8 - Trade And Transportation
- 8.01: Internal Trade And Distribution
- 8.02: Foreign Trade
- 8.03: Transportation
- 8.04: Postal Services
- 8.05: Telecommunications
- Chapter 9 - Science And Technology
- 9.01: Historical Development: Science & Technology
- 9.02: Science And Technology In The 1980s
- 9.03: The Reform Program
- 9.04: Technology Transfer
- Chapter 10 - Party And Government
- 10.01: Chinese Communist Party (Ccp)
- 10.02: The Government
- 10.03: The Media
- Chapter 11 - The Political Process
- 11.01: Political Realignments At The Party Center
- 11.02: The First Wave Of Reform, 1979-84
- 11.03: The Second Wave Of Reform, 1984-86
- 11.04: The Third Wave Of Reform, Beginning In 1986
- 11.05: The Politics Of Modernization
- 11.06: Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought Re-Thought
- Chapter 12 - Foreign Relations
- 12.01: Evolution Of Foreign Policy
- 12.02: An Overview Of China's Foreign Relations
- Chapter 13 - Criminal Justice And Public Security
- 13.01: The Legal System
- 13.02: Court Structure And Process
- 13.03: Law Enforcement
- 13.04: The Penal System
- Chapter 14 - National Defense
- 14.01: Historical Development, 1927-79
- 14.02: Military Modernization
- 14.03: Perception Of Threat
- 14.04: Foreign Military Cooperation
- 14.05: Force Structure
- 14.06: Accomplishments And Prospects
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